Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Making Money - Introduction Lesson

Goodmorning Readers,

As scheduled, today marks the start of the online bi-daily MONEY MAKING lessons. In lesson one I will be going over the many alternatives to making money and assess each strategy on its reality and do-ability.

We all grow up in families that encourage and idolize attending university. For centuries, university has been the main goal for any student. Students have been told that without this “vital” milestone, their dreams are unreachable, and their future is shattered.

Despite these ideas, have you ever looked around to see that the richest of people are either celebrities (rappers and actors) or drop out business men? Let’s look at Bill Gates for example. He is one of the world’s richest men but also a Collage drop out. My instincts tell me that if Bill Gates had graduated from collage he would have probably worked for another man who is racking billions. Reason being, that most individuals work very hard to attain a degree and would rather they USE them than LOOSE them.

Think about it, if today you get your university degree in engineering… Would you completely ditch and venture into a new career right away? Most likely not. Now don’t get me wrong, education is key. I am in no way saying that a degree is of no use to you. If you would like to be a working slave of the “rat race”, or want to be stable in life while earning an average income, then a degree is for you and this article is NOT for you.

On the other hand, if you would like to take chances at extreme, some what easy wealth achievable in less than a year or two, read on and we will soar to great heights together.

Now, have you ever considered other ways of getting money other than a job? If yes, Why?

-Spending more time with your loved ones
-No set hours
-No boss
-No deadlines

JUST MONEY! On your own terms, in your own hours, the way you want to!

This lesson will outline the many ways of making money on earth, and in the lessons to come, we will explore each area specifically.

-Internet Marketing
-Currency Trading (Forex and Stock Exchange)
-Small Business (Anyone can do it)
-Local or Internet Market Place (Flee Markets, Ebay, etc.)
-*Unusual Ways to Make Money*
-Real Estate
- Free Money From the Government
-Special Bonus

To those of you who are skeptical or unsatisfied with this overview, I urge you to stay tuned. Even though some ideas sound too hard (Real Estate/Investing), they really are not. Once the main basic concepts are understood, the rest is so easy!

Each Lesson comes complete with the resources you need to get started. All you have to do is follow the intstructions I set out for you, and you are on your way to making money.

I know men who have used many of the techniques I’ve listed above to create enormous wealth and an easy lifestyle. Do you really want to work at a job for the rest of your life? Or do you want to set your own hours and be your own boss while earning large income?

You owe it to yourself to learn the secret world of Making Money. It could change your life.

By: Discussion Today